Monday, January 28, 2013

Announcements January 28

January is almost over and February is set to begin.  Our students had impressive attendance and behavior for the 3rd 6 weeks.  Our students had the highest ever attendance for the 3rd 6 weeks at 95.8% and the class with the best attendance was Ms. Windham's kindergarten class with 98% attendance!

Our discipline made significant improvements for the 3rd 6 weeks.  Disciplinary infractions dropped from the 3rd 6 weeks last year and our referrals dropped over 50% from the 2nd 6 weeks.  This improvement in behavior is because of our students' hard work, our teachers creating engaging and positve learning environments and our parents supporting the students by promoting great behavior.

Here are some upcoming events that you need to be aware of.

Thursday, January 31
The Oscars -  A Night with the STAAR
Time:     4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
This event will help parents learn practical strategies that can be used for reading and math.  Parents will walk away with a better understanding of the test and a plan to help their child succeed.

Click here to check out this promo video for the event!

Tuesday and Wednesday, February 5 & 6
4th Graders will take the Mock STAAR test.
Students will take this very important test in the way that the real STAAR test will be administered in April.  Please make sure your student is at school on these very important days.

Friday, February 8
End of 3 week grading period.  Progress reports will come out the next week.

Friday, February 15
Valentine parties will be at the following times:
12:10 -12:40     1st and 3rd Grades
1:00 – 1:30       K and 4th Grades
1:50 - 2:20        PK & 2nd Grades

Friday, January 11, 2013

Announcements, January 11

January is a very busy month at Gilmer Elementary.  It is also the cold and flu season.  To keep your child well, please be sure to encourage them to wash their hands frequently.  This is a great way to prevent the spreading of all diseases including the flu.  Covering your mouth when you cough helps tremendously.  The flu is contracted through the air, so covering the cough helps everyone.  Last, if you cover your cough with your elbow, that will keep all germs off of your hands. 

As we come back to a new year, I wanted to share with you our theme for 2013.  It is BEL13VE.  The point of the theme is to believe in ourselves, our children, our teachers and our potential to be the person we aspire to be.  As we talk with our children, it is very important to share why we believe in them.  By telling children why we believe in them, we build their self-esteem and confidence and this will help them overcome any obstacle.  BEL13VE


Here are the events for the month.

Tuesday, January 15
Benchmark testing for all grades

Wednesday, January 16
Benchmark testing for all grades

Thursday, January 17
Early release at 12:30 due to end of semester.

Friday, January 18
Early release at 12:30 due to end of semester.

Monday, January 21
School holiday in observance of MLK Jr. Day

Tuesday, January 22
Students return to school to begin the 2nd semester.

Thursday, January 24
Report cards will be sent home.

Friday, January 25
CHAMPs Assembly at 8:15 for PK-1st grades and at 2:30 for 2nd - 4th grades

Thursday, January 31
The Oscars -  A Night with the STAAR
Time:     4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
This event will help parents learn practical strategies that can be used for reading and math.  Parents will walk away with a better understanding of the test and a plan to help their child succeed.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Announcements January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!  I hope you had a great Christmas break with your family and friends and an even better New Year.  Getting back into the routine of school can be very difficult, especially with 2 weeks off.  Kids have been sleeping late, playing with their friends and new toys, and it is now time to get back to school.  I hope that tonight, you will spend some time talking to your children about the importance of getting back into the routine of school and ask your child questions to jog their memories about the discipline expectations and academic expectations of the school. It will help them get their minds ready to get back to school on a positive note.

End of day transportation plans are a good thing to talk with your child about so they remember what the plans are for each day.  If your child takes the bus and the car home, it is good to remind them of which day to take which transportation.    If you have changes to anything in your child's life whether it be transportation, health, changes at home, please contact your child's teacher, assistant principal, counselor or nurse to keep them informed.  The information is helpful so we can best serve your child.

Here are the announcements for this week.

Tuesday, January 8

Students return back to school for the first day of the 2013 new year.

Monday, January 14 - 18

Students will be taking their benchmark tests throughout the week.  Please make sure that your child is at school each day.

Friday, January 18

End of the 3rd 6 weeks grading period and 1st semester.  Report cards will go out the following week.

Monday, January 21

We will have a school holiday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Tuesday, January 22

The 4th 6 weeks and 2nd semester will begin.